Contests & Pages

I’m going to run our first contest in hopes of generating some new hype about the site (rhyming is awesome).

There are 2 possible ways to win:

1) Pick an apologetic argument and write an outline/summary of it. Include the main issue, any illustrations, and the conclusion. Make it as long or as short as possible.


2) Make 10 (or so) meaningful comments throughout the blog. (I have over 100 posts so this shoudln’t be hard. Use the Categories & Tags for navigation as well as the sidebar with the months.)

Prize: Any Christian music CD you want

How to Enter: If you choose #1, email it to me (along with your first name) and you will be entered. For #2, email me after you’ve made your 10 comments (so that I know they’re new and from you…more rhyming!).

[Note I’m going to be running another contest very soon which is a forum-exclusive]


Dates: You can enter any time from Today (July 18th) to August 8th.


The majority of today’s content is written in 5 new pages. So as I’ve been writing some material, I’ve noticed that either A) Some material can’t be simplified or B) Some material is unique enough to warrant an new page. The new pages are on the right side of the blog, just above the calendar and just below “Top Posts”.

1) Job Description (Link) [What is the job of the Christian?]

2) Popular Series (Link) [Lists of the series in the blog w/ links]

3) The Tests of a Worldview (Link) [How do you determine whether or not a worldview is true?]
4) The Modern Thinker’s Creed (Link) [A writer’s view on the modern mind]

5) Graphical Images and Signatures (Link) [Self-explanatory]

~ by johnfoxe on July 18, 2008.

One Response to “Contests & Pages”

  1. I may just enter that contest under #1. now all i have to do is choose something that you havent done.

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