Top 10 Normal Christian Podcasts

For the last top 10 podcasts (link), I focused mainly on apologetics. This Top 10 will have a mix of music, sermons, and general entertainment. Note: all podcasts are done by Christians.

10. Family Life Today

I’m not married, but I really enjoy this radio show. It not only prepares me for marriage and the start of a new family, but it also helps with the normal relationships in your immediate family.

-FL Today-
Avg. Length: 25mins
Download Link (Free registration required)

9. Flicker Records, Tooth & Nail Records, The HM Podcast

Since this website has a great deal of support from younger readers, I thought I’d throw in some contemporary music podcasts. The first two are Christian record labels and the third is just a general “hard music” podcast. (The last podcast has full songs.)

Avg. Length: 30 mins
Download Link

-Tooth & Nail-
Avg. Length: 20 mins.
Download Link

Avg. Length: 1hr.
Download Link

8. Probe Ministries

In a nutshell, Probe has “sought to form a ministry that would bridge the frontier between the agonizing questions man asks and the profound answers the Gospel offers.” Because they deal with many modern issues, they’ve been a great resource to me.

Avg. Length: 12mins.
Download Link

7. Love Worth Finding

Love Worth Finding is actually a sermon podcast. Dr. Adrian Rogers had received so many requests for copies of his sermons that he started a ministry, which now does a podcast. Even though he’s an older preacher, he still uses both relevant material and illustrations.

Avg. Length: 30mins.
Download Link

6. Truth for Life

Allistair Begg has been pastor of a non-denominational church since 1982. This podcast is basically just recordings of his sermons at his Parkside Church. His sermons can really stand out so I hope you give him a try.

Avg. Length: 25mins.
Download Link

5. Focus on the Family

Dr. James Dobson & Co. shouldn’t really need an introduction. His ministry, Focus on the Family, has been around since 1977. His Colorado Springs-based ministry is well known for their media and radio programs. This podcast is the main radio program that deals with family and culture.

Avg. Length: 28mins
Download Link (Free Registration Required)

4. A New Beginning

I’ve recently discovered a great podcast with sermons from Greg Laurie. The teaching is relevant, the illustrations are good, and the overall message is inspiring. There are few pastors as good as Greg.

-New Beginning-
Avg. Length: 30 mins
Download Link

3. Catholic Insider

In his award-winning travel podcast, Roman Catholic priest Fr. Roderick takes you on a journey of discovery to fascinating places all over the world. From ancient ruins in Ireland to mysterious monasteries in France, from the hills of Hollywood to the heart of the Vatican, Fr. Roderick will bring you where no priest has gone before. This is just an amazing podcast. I highly recommend it. (By the way, try to use headphones. The tour will sound like it’s in “surround-sound” this way.)

Avg. Length: 25mins.
Download Link

2. RadioU’s Worst of the R!OT Podcast

This is basically a compilation of the best “bits” from the normal show, which goes from 6-9am on Mon-Fri. This means that you get the most hilarious stuff possible! Don’t take my word for it. LISTEN NOW!!!!!

Avg. Length: 50 mins.
Download Link (iTunes) XML

1. Vineyard Columbus

The “Vineyard Movement” is all over the US (and it’s now international as well). However, I want to showcase the pastor at one particular church, located in Columbus Ohio. The Church’s main pastor, Rich Nathan, is clearly one of the best pastors I’ve ever heard (and I’ve heard a lot). He consistently delivers brilliantly-constructed, Biblically-based messages time and again.

I started listening to this podcast while i lived out of state and got hooked. When I finally moved back to Ohio, I left my previous church and joined this one. It’s a great church with a great pastor.

Avg. Length: 40mins.
Download Link

~ by johnfoxe on June 10, 2008.

2 Responses to “Top 10 Normal Christian Podcasts”

  1. Thanks for the links. I will check some of them out. Keep up the good work.

  2. I’m happy to do it. Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it!

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