6 Month Anniversary

Well even though I made 3 posts in the month of November, today is more or less the 6 month anniversary of beginning the blog. Yay! So I want to share with you some cool stuff about the past 6 months as well as some stuff in the future.


  • 88 Posts with 202 comments in 33 categories.
  • For hits, the month of May was the highest, beating out the other closest month, April, by about 200 hits.
  • Our 50th Post was on April 17 (2008). Link
  • Our busiest day was Saturday, May 17 with 60 hits (which is a lot in my eyes)
  • Week #20 had the most hits

The top 3 visited posts are:

  1. Sinful Cities I: Sodom & Gomorrah
  2. Did the Crucifixion Really Happen? I
  3. Old Testament Genocide

Favorite Posts!

My favorite posts were usually the ones that I either really liked the content or just really liked all the hard work I put into the sourcing & editing. My personal favorite posts would be:

  • Top 10 Christian Myths: I figured out that I could do a lot more in HTML than what was included in this wordpress software. I was pretty proud getting everything to work right.
  • Did Jesus’ Birth Really Happen?: This was one of the first posts where I got to use my interest in history and archaeology to get some good content.
  • Did the Crucifixion Really Happen?: I was very happy how I was able to get a lot of evidence and put it together well.
  • The Bible Among Other Books Part 1: This post also holds a special place in my heart because it helped interest me in other worldviews. As a fact of life, you not only have to know why your worldview is Correct, but why other views are Incorrect.

:Future Plans:

Here’s some ideas that I’ve been entertaining:

  1. A website. I almost 100% want to do this in the future. A website can lay out the content much better than a blog.
  2. Podcasting. Sometime (I don’t know when) I would like to have a podcast where I go through each of my posts and explain them in audio form.
  3. Giveaways. As my readers increase, I’m probably going to start having giveaways to help out with growth. The only problem is that I’d have to have some way for people to enter the contest without the ‘hit-n-run’.
  4. Debates. Going back and forth between two people, on opposite sides, is often the most helpful to others. Apologetics needs to be put into practice.
  5. I will also begin to do more marketing and advertising for the blog to help generate more viewers. I really believe in my content so I don’t think it’ll be hard keeping people here.

So there you have it! Happy 6 months!

~ by johnfoxe on May 31, 2008.

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