Infinite Wisdom

When you’re a child, you think you know everything until something new rocks your world. You finally get to a point where you don’t even trust yourself. So who are you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Someone who knows more than you. You begin to trust others simply because they’re smarter or more mature. When my dad gave me seemingly impossible explanations to my questions (like how airplanes would fly or how the car worked) I just learned to trust him. While I was often skeptical, I ended up believing in him. Later on, I would figure out that he was RIGHT.

God is that type of father. When he answers your basic questions, you trust him. But what about those seemingly impossible explanations? The Bible is more likely to be trustworthy because of the things we know that it’s accurate on. Some things in the Bible we can prove, and some we can’t. But if we can prove the Bible to be trustworthy on ‘ordinary answers’ then we can trust it on the ‘extra-ordinary’ ones. (See Can You Prove the Bible with the Bible Part 3)

Following Up!

Claim: Okay, so the Bible is accurate on the provable things, that doesn’t mean that it’s true. Science books can have the majority of stuff be true while still having some errors.

Response: That’s correct. Even if the Bible is reliable, that doesn’t mean that it’s 100% proof. However, see these next points:

  • Because the Bible is coherent, significant errors could only have occurred because of one giant conspiracy. A conspiracy is impossible since the Bible was written over a period of 1500 years. Writers that didn’t know each other or writers that lived centuries apart could not have conspired together.
  • The controversial parts of the Bible (e.g., Miracles, Heaven, Sin) have many convincing arguments for their existence.
  • Because the Bible has shown to be accurate in every field, its authors probably didn’t conspire (if they could have). Why would you have an honest historian that just shoves in random lies?

Christianity has been and always will be, “True, beyond a reasonable doubt”.


Contrasting Christianity is Atheism. Atheism is an impossible philosophical position to hold simply because of the message we’re discussing here. Atheism, by definition, claims infinite knowledge. It “absolutely” knows that a being with absolute knowledge doesn’t exist. Do you see the contradiction here? Atheism’s whole purpose is the disbelief in God, who by definition, is an entity with infinite knowledge in everything (In philosophy, God is what we call a ‘philosophical must’.) Atheists claim that they infinitely know everything when they say that God doesn’t exist.

~ by johnfoxe on May 25, 2008.

2 Responses to “Infinite Wisdom”

  1. Yeah, I’ve heard the absolutism defeating itself argument used before.

  2. Good. It’s a pretty obvious thought that many don’t see.

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